Stop killing your writing muse: how to make the most of your creativity

Stop killing your writing muse: how to make the most of your creativity

"I know I have the ability to write well. But whenever I look back on what I've written, it sucks."

This comment came from a delegate on one of the IDM Digital Copywriting training courses recently. It struck a chord with me and the rest of the delegates.

In my thirty years of writing copy, I’ve thought about this issue a lot. And I've learnt a few things about what stops us from getting our best work done.

First, here's what it's not.

It's not due to external factors.

This is the first thing we do when we're not meeting our creative goals. We line up the reasons 'some external factors' are stopping us. We blame our workspace, our schedule, or other work commitments.

This is outside-in thinking. It’s putting yourself and your creativity at the mercy of something outside you.

And it's almost never the real reason your writing is suffering.

Instead, learn to approach your creative work inside-out. How can you get the best out of yourself?

Here are four ways you can draw on your focus and motivation to ensure your writing is the best it can be.

1. Prioritise your creativity

It’s so easy to hi-jack creativity with ‘work’ that’s not as important.

The worst culprit? Email.

Most people start their day ploughing through emails. That’s responding to other people’s priorities.

As Lifehacker puts it, you go into ‘reply mode’.

For many creatives, the morning is the most productive part of the day. That’s when you have the most productive energy. (If you’re different, apply this advice to your best time of day).

Don’t waste your creative energy on distractions. Save those for the afternoon, or whenever you’re tired and unproductive.

2. Plan

There is much debate over planning vs pantsing (writing by the seat of your pants) amongst writers.

I was a fully signed-up pantser myself. I wrote 55,000 words of the first draft of my novel that way.

And it sucked. Big time.

Don't get me wrong, that wasn't entirely wasted time. But I've since learnt a better way.

Plan first.

Think about what you will write.

What's a good amount of time? Whatever's appropriate for what you’re writing.

I spent 3 months planning my novel after I realised pantsing wouldn't cut it. I'm really pleased I did, as the second draft became the basis for the published novel.

For a blog post that takes half a day to write, perhaps spend an hour planning it.

Whatever works for you.

This may seem unnatural at first. But trust me, many people who aren't natural planners have found that it's the way to true writing productivity.

3. Find your creative place

For years, I wrote in our kitchen, after our second child took the ‘spare’ bedroom (so unthoughtful of him). This wasn't the easiest place to write, but you work with what you've got.

And you can turn anywhere into your creative place.

Try decorating your desk with images that inspire you. Line up the books that motivate you on a shelf nearby.

Or if that’s not working, go to a coffee shop where you love the vibe. If your workplace doesn’t allow it, find a different space in the office.

Once you've found the right space, just being there will inspire you.

4. Get into the writing state... quickly

People say they need to get into the right state of mind for their creativity to flourish.

That kind of thinking is a major cause of prevarication. You could spend hours, days or even weeks waiting for the right 'creative feeling'.

Find a trigger for your creativity that works fast. That might be your creative place (see point 3 above).

Or it might be a talisman, such as an object, cuddly toy, image or item of clothing.

When I’m writing I often listen to an Apple Music playlist I compiled. Now the opening notes snap me into the writing state in seconds.

Get writing!

So now you've dispensed with your creativity assassin, it's time to get to work. Put your creativity first and get writing now.

Join Tim today on his course for Advanced Certificate in Digital Copywriting.

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